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Honoring Our Ancestors Bi Annual Gathering
October 2001 Location

The October 2001 Gathering has been postponed. Some of the Elders on the Committee felt that due to the last minute changes and the difficulty in obtaining a new venue so late, along with the events following the bombing of the WTC, that this event should be postponed.

We have had some discussion about the possibility of having this gathering on Tribal Land.

To do this will require a little additional time.

We will hopefully be able to resolve any issues and obtain a venue. We hope to continue this gathering in the Spring.

We will be having a smaller gathering of those involved with planning and developement of the gathering.

If you are interested in being part of the gathering Staff please email us at h_o_ancestors@yahoo.com right away.
We need lots of help to make this event happen.

Also many of us feel that we need this gathering now more than ever. So please don't give up on us yet. We need you to make this happen.

If you have other questions please contact one of our spokespersons...

We will announce the planning Committee gathering as soon as we have a date...We hope to have this gathering before Christmas.

October 2001 Location.

The US Forestry Service has withdrawn the EA for the gathering. They stated that the time frame for the final procedures would run past the gathering date so we would not have time to complete it before the gathering.

Therefore we are looking into another venue in that area. This time on private land.

I could in fact secure a venue here in Alabama but it would be a long way for many to travel.

If you would like to send your suggestions please email them.

It has also been discussed that we not have the gathering at this time because of the bombings. Others have said that we need it more than ever now.

If you have thoughts on this please let us know.

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